TRAC Records of the Organization

Name of ProjectMajor focuses of the projectMeasurable/ Demonstrable/ output/out-comeWhere is project working/ workedDonorHow long the project are intended to continue
Non-Formal Primary Education (NFPE)To eradicate illiteracy and to enroll drop out children.-Guardian’s are aware
-Dropout Children enrolled.
Sherpur Sadar Upazila of Sherpur district.BRAC1995 to 2005
Non-Formal adult literacy Project.To eradicate illiteracy, increase income and to enroll children.– Adults are able in 3Rs
-They are more conscious on child enrollment.
Jhinaigati and Nalitabari Upazila of Sherpur district, Phulpur upazila of Mymensingh district and Purbadhala upazila of Netrakona district.Directorate of Non-Formal Education (DNFE) of GoB.June 1997 to June 2001
Adolescent Development ProjectTo eradicate illiteracy and to enroll drop out Adolescent for life education-Guardian’s are  aware
-Drop out Adolescent enrolled
-Employer aware
-Adolescent are educated about family life.
-Adolescent are aware about their rights.
Sherpur Munici-pality of Sherpur district.USCC-BMay 2004 to October 2005
Emergency Post Flood Wat San Rehabilitation ProgramTo reinstalled and make the flood affected-damaged Tube- wells & latrines usable.-Water born diseases controlled
-Open defecation stopped.
Nakla, Jhinagati and Sherpur Upazila of Sherpur Dist.GoB- Unicef/ NGO Forum for DWSS2004 to 2005
Reaching Out of School Children (ROSC)To eradicate illiteracy and to enroll drop out children-Guardian’s are aware
-Drop out children are enrolled.
Sherpur Sadar And Sreebordi UpazilaDepartment of Primary Education/ World Bank01.01.06 to 31.12.11
NGO & Civil Society Networking Project (NCSNP)To reduce Child mortality rate and to achieve 100% sanitation.-Use of sanitary latrines and safe water increased
-Hygiene practice raised.
Sherpur Sadar Upazila of Sherpur district.NGO Forum for DWSS.01.01.06 to 31.12.11
Emergency Post Flood WatSan Rehabilitation ProgramTo reinstalled and make the flood affected-damaged Tube- wells & latrines functioning.-Water born diseases controlled
-Open defecation stopped.
Sherpur Sadar Upazila of Sherpur district.CAFOD/ NGO Forum for DWSSJanuary to August 2008
Post Literacy and Continuing Education for Human Development  -1(Monitoring)-To practice and continue acquired skills -To make the centres run well.-Neo-Literates are practising
-Trade based skills acquired
-Income increased
-Job opportunity increased.
Bogra Sadar upazila.DNFE of GoB.July 2003 to December 2007
Post Literacy and Continuing Education for Human Development  -1 (Implemen-tation)-To practice and continue acquired skills -To make the neo-literate self reliant.-Neo-Literates are practicing
-Trade based skills acquired
-Income increased
-Job opportunity increased.
Bakshigonj upazila of  Jamalpur district.DNFE of GoB.01.05.03 to 30.04.05
Post Literacy and Continuing Education for Human Development  -2 (Implemen-tation)-To practice and continue acquired skills -To make the neo-literate self reliant.-Neo-Literates are practicing
-Trade based skills acquired
-Income increased
-Job opportunity increased.
Jhinaigati upazila of  Sherpur district.Bureau of Non-Formal Education (BNFE) of GoB.01.11.09 to 31.10.12
Forestry Sector ProjectConservation geo-ecological balance-Hardcore poor found ownership
-Earth erosion protected
-Plantation raised
Sherpur Sadar Upazila of Sherpur district.Department of Forest.January 1999 December 2009
Let Children Speak (Child Rights and Advocacy) Proect.To contribute to the elimination of all forms of abuse, exploitation and discrimination affecting children’s live in the working area.-To raise voice of the children regarding their rights.
-To build capacity of the children to develop leadership qualities.
-To establish child friendly environment at working place.
-Effective networking among the local level NGOs and the duty bearers established to promote and protect child rights.
-The community and other relevant stakeholders are sensitized and supportive to reduce violence, abuse and discriminations against children.
Sherpur Munici-pality of Sherpur district.UCEP-Bangladesh.01.12.07 to 31.12.11
HIV/AIDS preventionTo increase knowledge about HIV/AIDS-Knowledge increased about HIV/AIDS transmission and burden.
-People are aware.
Sherpur Sadar Upazila of Sherpur district.NGO Forum for DWSS.Ongoing.
Maternity Allowance holder Mother’s Training ProgramTo reduce mortality & morbidity rate of Neo-born & Mother.– To increase knowledge on safe delivery
– Increase to intake the balanced diet – To increase knowledge of Pre & Post natal care.
Sherpur Sadar & Jhinaigati Upazil of Sherpur District, Begumgonj Upazila of Noakhali DistrictDepartment of Women Affair’s of GoB.July 2015 to June 2019
Sheep distribution to aborigine poor family for Socio-economic development To reduce Poverty from the Society. – Increased familiar income
– Increased social status
– Increased savings
Sherpur Sadar of Sherpur District.Bangladesh NGO Foundation.January 2018 to December 2018
Housing for Aborigine (Garo) Community People To reduce Poverty from the Society. – Increased familiar income
– Increased social status
– Increased savings
Sherpur Sadar of Sherpur District.Bangladesh NGO FoundationJanuary 2020 to December 2020
Milky Cow (from Calf) distribution among hardcore poor family.To reduce Poverty from the Society.– Increased familiar income
– Increased social status
– Increased savings
Sherpur Sadar of Sherpur DistrictBangladesh NGO Foundation.January 2022 to December 2022
Out of School Children Education Program.To eradicate illiteracy and to enroll drop out children for main steaming of literacy.– Guardians are aware
– Drop out and out of school children
– Social status increased.
Boalkhali upazila of Chittagong district.Dhaka Ahsania Mission/Bureau of Non-formal Education of GoB.February 2022 to June 2023
Water and Sanitation for ultra poor Char Livelihood family.To reduce Poverty from the Society.– Increased familiar income
– Increased social status
– Increased savings
Sherpur Sadar of Sherpur District.Bangladesh NGO FoundationJuly 2022 to September 2022
Semi Pakka Latrine installation for Char Livelihood poor familyTo reduce poverty from the society.– Increased familiar income
– Increased social status
– Increased savings
Sherpur Sadar of Sherpur District.Bangladesh NGO FoundationJuly 2023 to September 2023